Kimberly had a lot going on when she decided to return to college. Delta fit in with her family and work obligations perfectly, and now she’s on her way to fulfilling a longtime dream.
From a young age, Adam Coenis had an interest in helping people. He chose Delta because it was close to home, he could save money and he could work while taking classes.
Office life is not for Jaden. After taking a skilled trades class in high school, he decided he wanted to find a career that would allow him to work with his hands to build things.
Tania said caring for her critically ill grandfather — with whom she was close — is the reason she chose to pursue a nursing degree at Delta College.
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Michael knew about Delta College from a very young age. He has several family members that are past students, so it was a no-brainer that he would come here, too.
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See why Delta is one of the nation’s leading community colleges.
See why Delta is one of the nation’s leading community colleges.
大便恩的日常 – LINE貼圖 | LINE STORE:晴天P莉 Part 8 (懷舊復古篇) 連阿嬤也OK 白爛貓17 ☆三八阿花一朵花☆ Animation only icon 蜜桃貓7 白爛貓15☆超愛玩☆ 穿熊貓裝的熊貓5 懶散兔與啾先生的相親相愛篇 Animation only icon Bravo! Ryan Animated Stickers ...
Study groups. Clubs and organizations. Athletics. Don't be shy, get involved.
蒲公英 - 制药技术的传播者 GMP理论的实践者 - ouryao:2021-6-16 · 制药技术,GMP,医药,研发,制造,法规,质量,商业,大健康,蒲公英 - 制药技术的传播者 GMP理论的实践者 新手服务中心 有疑问,有困惑等新坛友相关问题,在此解决。 主题: 2131, 帖数: 1万 最后发表: 3 天前
Join the choir and you might just get to travel the world. Singing.
Delta Athletics teams are awesome. They're regularly recognized for academic excellence, serving the community, and for playing a great game.
Want to save tons of money and get a great education? You can do that by starting at Delta.
Check out the calendar for the next editing event.
We look toward the future so we can give you the training you need for the jobs you're after.
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Learn great techniques from the masters. See what's next.
Expect the unexpected with classes that include hands-on and service learning opportunities.
Delta's campus is gorgeous year round. Come and explore.
We want you to learn beyond the classroom.
We work hard to give you the best technology out there so you can hit the ground running when you graduate.
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Go ahead, stroll around campus and enjoy the beauty. You'll find art around every corner.
Be a student journalist, student athlete, or anything in between.